Smart Contract Addresses
Rundown of existing Tradable smart contracts
Tradable Smart Contracts are deployed on zkSync L2 network and designed to be Upgradable following UUPS approach. This process allows us to upgrade contract without having to redeploy proxy contracts. Each smart contract is controlled with Access Management contract that controls permissions across other Tradable Smart Contracts. Following is the detail on each contract.
Contract | Address | Upgradability |
Access Manager | 0x28B243AC905EF231b04Fae82C7D95C0c591311f91 | UUPS |
KYC Engine | 0xD04a7028e4A30F3Ad9DC4f328BfA991faB426b89 | UUPS |
Price Engine | 0xDb9f98E3E4266A11166288E0eC992E24277d596A | UUPD |
Deal Registry | 0x421D9bcF226B4adABdBf065c386D6Cb91fAa8086 | UUPS |
Deal Implementation | 0xD5c06B04986439450b8c24ce8947DB8864CAEB50 | UUPS |
Deal Beacon | 0x90c67949a23C4e91d07bC6b030Ec71BcCf68e02c | Beacon Proxy |
Deal Factory | 0x0E8A0569Aa00e5c6580752A42B250127E5A8C470 | UUPS |
Quadrata | 0x78eDB7CC12B034bde0096f96517f62e3F7E04d88 |
Last updated